A few important things to know...

How to prepare
for your
Energy Reading

Please find guidance below on how to maximise your experience before, during and after your online Reading. 


Set a clear intention...

or hold your question(s) in your mind before your session. This allows the guidance that arrives to be more specific and helpful.

Make sure you are ...

in a quiet, private and comfortable space for your session. Ensure to minimise interruptions or distractions, and ideally have some quiet time to integrate afterwards. 

Make sure you have....

a strong and consistent Wi-Fi connection and full battery charge! A drink is also recommended. 

Be ready...

to start at the scheduled time. I will start connecting to your energy and channelling for about 15-30 minutes before the start of your reading to ensure we make the most of the time. 
You're welcome to take some deep breaths, relax with a cup of tea, do a little meditation or walk before, Etc - but this is not essential. 

Want to record it?...

If you have a paid Zoom account, you are able to record your session at the start of the call - (please check with Zoom directly on the instructions to do this). You are also welcome to record with any other method or to bring a notebook and take notes throughout. 

Prepare to receive....

the energy & guidance, with openness and positivity.  It doesn't need to make sense right away, simply relax and enjoy - knowing all is well.   

the universe...

and your Spirit Guides don’t need you to be pretty, perfect or positive. Neither do I. Now is always the perfect time for a session. You get to show up exactly as you are, and that is always just right.

During the session ...

allow your logical mind to sit back for a while and instead listen with your body. Be present to what comes up for you in response to the reading, with no judgement and with love. I trust that whatever comes through and the experience that is had, is just right - there is no "right" way for a session to be. Let your own intuition, sovereignty & truth be with what comes - as it is a collaboration between us, rather than a one way flow. 

We are on this journey....

of life for the pleasure of it - there is nothing serious going on here - we are not here to save the world. We are here to experience the satisfaction of being creators and of living a creative life in this physical time and space. So have fun, stay curious, and hold it all lightly - it will all reveal itself in time.

Give yourself permission...

to have instant shifts and transformations, effortlessly. Let healing and change be easy.

Hold yourself through the session...

with kindness and compassion. If something feels intense at any point, focus on slow belly breathing, relaxing and listening with your body. These are the moments where the big transformations can happen. And don’t shoot the messenger….


what feels really good or resonates with you and your own inner guidance through the session. Know that all messages come from love. I set the intention for each session to be for the Highest Good of all.

to breathe and let all of the energies integrate before re-entering your day.

after your session:

plenty of water - we’ve done some deep energy work.


that your body is designed to move energy and to take rest. Do what feels right for you.
Good options post-session: go for a walk, some gentle stretching, meditation, dance it out, legs up the wall, a nap, journalling, taking a salt bath or shower and talking through any 'Ah Ha!' moments  with a trusted friend.

Any questions? VIsit our FAQ Page or contact us


take a moment...