How do I book my Intuitive Session with Lianne?
Book your Session through the “Book a Reading” page on our website - there is a link under each session type that says “Book”. Once your session date and time is selected, and your session is paid for, you will receive a confirmation of your booking, with the zoom link and specific details on how you can prepare for your session to make the most of your experience. (Please save this email somewhere safe).
You will also receive a reminder text and/or email 24 hours before your session with the zoom link.

So what’s a session like?
On the day of your session, I will connect to your energy and guides 15 minutes beforehand to start channelling, to make the most of our time together. At the time of your booking, I will start our Zoom session. During our 45 minute call, I will connect to and read your energy, speak with your Spirit Guides and provide detailed insight and guidance. I will ask you for any questions or intentions you have for the session.

I will often write as I channel and I will also utilise oracle cards to add extra layers of confirmation and nuance to our session. They are also a fun tool to use! If guided, I may take you through a meditation or take you through an energy practice - if it is something that feels right for you also. During your reading, you may also receive guidance for simple practices or advice for things to take home with you, so you can receive ongoing benefits of the energy and integrate the insight into your life for powerful healing or desired shifts.

Can I get a refund for my session?
Readings are non-refundable. If you need to reschedule a session, it must be done 48 hours before the day of your session is scheduled to allow us to fill the slot with another booking. If you are late to a session, I will wait up to 15 minutes for you to join, after that the session will be considered a no-show and you will be charged full price. If you are late to your session, I won’t be able to extend your session beyond the pre-booked time.

How do I prepare for a session?
• I ask you to prepare for your reading by simply setting an intention or having a question, or several questions, in mind beforehand for what you want clarity on; this allows me to connect more clearly to what you want guidance on and allows you to receive the most helpful, direct insight. The more specific, the better the advice.
• Make sure you are in a quiet and private space for your reading, at a time that you will be uninterrupted and have a strong and consistent Wi-Fi connection.
• Please be ready to start at the scheduled time to make the most of your session.
• I ask that you be stationary for the reading (I.e. not on the move), not in a public space, and not in a vehicle either. If you are not in an appropriate setting, I will terminate the session and will not be able to provide any refunds.
• Please make sure you are in a private space, where there is no one else around, and minimise disruptions (e.g. ensure there won’t be deliveries during our time, or that children will be looked after), to allow us both to focus fully and fully utilise our time together.
Find out more here.

Can I record the session?
Yes - on zoom you can hit record before the session starts. You’re also welcome to bring another device to record or pen and paper to make notes.

Do you follow-up with me after sessions?
I do not follow up with clients after sessions as I work with a great deal of people and unfortunately need to respect my energy and the other client’s booked time. You are welcome to book further sessions with me at any time if you would like to continue our work together, or please have a look at the courses and other offerings available.

Do I need to be religious / spiritual to benefit from a session?
The guidance received will be specific and relevant for you, so you do not need to have any religious or spiritual affiliations.

How do your intuitive gifts work?
My psychic and healing gifts channel through all of my senses and knowing; it’s something that has always been in my life and is a full-bodied experience. I can see and speak to my own and other people’s Spirit Guides, angelic beings and often loved ones. I can experience Soul Energy, read auras and energies in and around the body, spaces, the energy of intentions, emotions and energies influencing your space. It’s all vibration, and I have only ever known this way of being and sensing reality.

Are Intuitive Readings draining for you?
People often ask if I find it tiring, but it is something I find very refreshing and relaxing - as to receive the messages, I need to be in the most alignment with my own heart and Soul essence to be in a high vibrational state (with the help of the guides, and with practice and intention over the years, this is something that has become second nature!)

Who are these sessions right for?
I welcome any Souls who are ready to align with their purpose, and drop into their truth and authenticity.

I have worked with many different people, from financial bosses, fellow healers, property moguls, musicians, actors and actresses, CEOs, mothers, writers, creatives and photographers, film and tv people, entrepreneurs, hotel owners, stylists, designers, and many other beautiful and wonderful people from all backgrounds and sectors.

We saw this coming...